Eureka residents' vehicles have to operate in a wide range of CA temperatures which requires the engine coolant to be able to perform 'no matter what.' Think for a moment about the environment where the coolant does its thing. Very hot, high pressure, corrosive...
And all the while, it has to protect the components of the cooling system from corrosion. These components are made from steel and aluminum, plastics and rubber. The coolant has to be formulated to protect against corrosion for all of these different materials. That's why vehicle manufacturer’s recommend different types of anti-freeze for our Eureka, CA, vehicles.
There are several different 'families' of anti-freeze available to us here in Eureka. Your owner's manual will tell you what kind you should use. Of course, the automotive professionals at Leon's Car Care will know the right kind for your vehicle.
It's important to stay on top of this because coolant system failure is the most common mechanical problem people have here in Eureka, CA. Regular service needs to be done at Leon's Car Care to avoid failures and also to keep your warranty in place.
While the specifics of the service required may vary from vehicle to vehicle, your friendly and knowledgeable Leon's Car Care service advisor will know what to do. You'll be advised to replace the coolant at specified intervals.
Some recommend periodic coolant system flushes. A flush adds a cleaning step to the fluid replacement process. Again, check to see what your owner’s manual recommends.
Leon's Car Care
929 Broadway St.
Eureka, CA 95501